This is a chocdown!

This October, all your chocolatey pals are ready to serve another purpose so it’s time to lock them away. You must deliver them into custody and say your goodbyes for 31 days. It’ll be tough we know, but if you raise enough bail money from your friends and family, you’ll soon be reunited. So, one month, no chocolate – have you got what it takes? Sign up today and help us take on the real villains of hunger and diseases from malnutrition.

The Challenge

This is a Dechox and that means no chocolate for a whole month. No cocoa contraband. No covert confectionary. And definitely no trips to the treat cupboard. But while the chocolate bars are safely behind bars, we’ll support you every snack of the way. Your sponsored sacrifice will go a long way. Every dollar you raise in this Dechox will feed many hungry children and families here in Canada and abroad.

SIGN UP: Create a team, join a team, or join as individual.

And be sure to join our Dechox Facebook group and share your choco-less journey with fellow Dechoxers. Let’s have some fun making a difference!

Why Fundraise?

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the pandemic has presented us with an unprecedented need to get food to the hungry. So, the truth is, we've never needed people like you more. Virtual fundraising challenges like Dechox are a way to help us keep up the pace of progress. Your willpower will be funneled into support for the children and families who need us most, both here in Canada and abroad.Globally, there are 821.6 million people that are considered undernourished or starving, and every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger. We can't drop the ball now.

Here’s one example of
why we raise money...

This little boy is being treated at a recovery centre for kids (some with HIV) and they desperately require more of this miracle-working food. They absolutely love KAHC food packs which provide the benefits of nutrition that are essential in the recovery process.

More Reasons to fundraise...

To save money

For every chocolate treat you’d buy you save money to donate to your fundraising page.

For the challenge

Take on a new challenge this year; the satisfaction of completing Dechox will be a reward in itself.

For the cause

Every donation dollar you raise helps to end hunger for starving children and families here and abroad.

How to get started...

You don’t have to be a Smartie pants to get involved. Follow these three simple steps and send those chocolates packing for one whole month.

Sign up to the challenge and commit to being chocolate-free for 31 days.

Create your own Fundraising Page, share with your friends and family and start fundraising.

Stay strong! We’ve got you covered with all sorts of tips and tricks to keep chocolate from your lips.

Preparing for Dechox

Our Dechox Calendar is here to help you prepare for your choc free month. Download yours to help plan for the month ahead, to keep busy and away from the chocolate. Why not stick it to your fridge and tick off each day you’ve stayed choc free?

Helpful Fundraising Tools

Post or email this graphic to your inner circle and include the link to our Choco-passes.


Surviving Dechox

Click here to grab some help on surviving the month without chocolate...

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